About Me



About Me

Former dental hygienist -> turned FT BODi coach and personal trainer. Mom to twins + 1. Competitive curler. Small town farm girl raised in Saskatchewan... really only shares a small snippet of me. So here is my story :)

My health + fitness journey truly started in 2016, but I have always been active since my school days - playing every sport that I could. The reality though was that once I transitioned out of highschool sports I didn't know what to do on the fitness or nutrition end of things. I was highly confused about what my body needed to function at its best, I thought fad diets were "healthy", and I was very much an all or nothing workout gal. I would workout heavy for months, then disappear for months. This went on for years + even through my 3 years of crossfit I struggled with conistency and understanding nutrition. In 2016 I decided that I needed a change after my first kiddo. I was struggling to make class times work + I wanted something more convenient... but first I took a hiatus from everything for 6 months. By the end of that 6 months I was so sick and tired of feeling crappy all the time!

I decided that I was going to try working out from home - on my own schedule - shorter 30 minute workouts. It turned out that after those first 30 days I felt like an entirely new person. I had insane energy + I had actually learned some balanced nutrition tools that simplified everything down for me! That very next month I became a BODi coach, so I could also help other women do this with me.

Over the years I continued to grow as an individual, establish healthier routines, truly believe in myself, and build a business that I am so proud of! I found the community and support to grow + finally stay conistent to my journey since 2016!

In 2020 I was able to step away from my FT dental hygiene position and become a FT BODi coach! After having premature twins in 2019 I was beyond excited to be able to spend more time with my babies this time around. In 2021 I decided to become a personal trainer as I wanted to help more people in different ways. It has led down this amazing path where I have been able to help so many local clients, athletic teams, on top of my existing virtual BODi coaching.

I truly feel like I am living with a purpose now. Doing what I am meant to be doing. Living for every day - not just the weekend. Still growing, still going, and helping as many people as I can along the way!

I share my journey with the hope to inspire others to believe that HEY, if she can do this then so can I. I believe in YOU!